The section Social Psychology, VU Amsterdam (February 2020), in front of the Royal palace at Dam square, Amsterdam.
Past and current PhD students:
Dr. Frederike Zwenk (2003-2007) -- Voice by representation
Dr. Marco van Bommel (2009-2015) -- The reputable bystander: The role of reputation in activating or deactivating bystanders
Dr. Niels van Doesum (2014-2016) -- Social mindfulness
Dr. Nils Koebis (2013- 2018) -- The social psychology of corruption (Cum Laude)
Dr. Maud van Bavel (2011- 2019) -- Active guardianship
Dr. Xiaoyue Tan (2014-2019)--The psychology of loss management
Dr. Mengchen Dong, Msc (2016-2021)--Understanding Moral Hypocrisy: behavioral antecedents and social consequences.
Dr. Iris van Sintemaartendijk (2016--2022)--Burglary in virtual reality
Dr. Cristhian Martinez (2018-2022). Hate: Dinstinctive features across individuals and groups
Meta Zahro Aurelia, Msc (2015--expected 2023)--Topic of PhD: Psychological and cultural drivers of corruption.
Haiyan Wang, Msc (2019- expected 2023)—Topic of PhD: Conspiracy theories, extremism, and crime
Shen Cao, MsC (2020- expected 2024). Topic of PhD: The evolutionary basis of conspiracy thinking
Jiayan Mao, Msc (2021-expected 2025). Topic of PhD: System justification, existential threat, and conspiracy beliefs.
Lisa van Es, Msc (2022-expected 2028). Topic of PhD: Conspiracy theories and crime.
Qi Zhao, Msc (2022-expected 2026). Topic of PhD: Economic inequality and conspiracy beliefs.
Astrid Bastiaens (2023-expected 2027). Topic of PhD: Leaking among terrorist suspects.
Selen Goksal (2023-expected 2027). Topic of PhD: Ideological punishment
Dr. Joel H. K. Vuolevi (2010 - 2012) -- Political paranoia in times of economic uncertainty
Dr. Marco van Bommel (2013 - 2014) -- Influence of other bystanders on the quality of eyewitness testimonies
Dr. Andrea Pereira (2013 - 2016) -- Dual outcome-motivation to uphold democratic values
Dr. Vanja Ljujic (2016-2018) -- economic drivers of radicalization and terrorism
Dr. Gülden Sayılan (2022-2023) — The relationship between worldviews and political orientation
Dr. Giuliana Spadaro (2022-2023) -- Political polarization